That Dipshit Blooper Has Already Been Emotionally Shattered By Phillies Fans Online Before The NLDS

Mike Zarrilli. Getty Images.

Blooper woke up this morning and decided to hop on Twitter. Why that is a sentence that anybody should be able to comprehend is beyond me. A mascot for a baseball team using a social media website to post the thoughts of a human inside of a costume playing a character. Try explaining that to Ty Cobb and he'd punch you square in the throat. 

Anyway, that K-Mart version of the Phillie Phanatic was getting a little antsy ahead of the NLDS starting tomorrow. For good reason, too. The Braves lost to the Phillies last year in the NLDS, so I can see how the anticipation must be killing that fat fuck. 

Now Blooper may have thought that he'd just have a casual Friday morning online. Maybe get a few likes and retweets from Braves fans. But little does this sack of shit know who he's dealing with this upcoming week. Phillies fans aren't here to play. Did you see what we did to HitchBOT? Blooper might be next. Which is the exact sentiment that noted Tweeter and extremely online Philly fan Eric Fink tried to convey to that asshole. 

Now if Blooper was smart, he would have just left it alone. If Blooper knew what was good for him, he would have just muted the conversation. But Blooper has the mental strength of a pheasant, and decided to get into the mud. 

Bad idea. 

Because the moment you respond is the moment we pounce. And from that point on, it was an absolute onslaught and poor Blooper got meme'd to death. 

And how did Blooper respond? By showing us his belly like an absolute coward. 

Blooper was getting roasted like some chuck steak, and immediately tried to play nice with Philly fans. Game 1 of the NLDS doesn't even start until tomorrow night, and he's already been beaten down into submission. A guy behind a mask inside of a costume has already folded at the hands of Phillies fans. Can you imagine what the actual team will end up doing? The same team whose ace pitcher said that he'd get rid of fans if he could. 

Thanks for coming out, Blooper. I think HitchBOT actually put up a better fight. 


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